The Problem

Public Restrooms are an absolute necessity for both genders, but evidently things are far more critical for women as compared to men. While needs of men are limited and can be met with normal restrooms, women fall into scenarios where normal restrooms fall short like:

  • A lone mother with a toddler or an infant in a mall needs to go to restroom. Where does she keep the baby?
  • A pregnant woman needs to use the restroom? Does the restroom have support mechanism to help her stand up?
  • A working woman needs to hit the party just after office. Where does she change?
  • A new mother visits a public place and needs to feed her baby? Where does she?’

The Solution

Merino being a pioneer and leader in the Restroom industry believes that female-friendly toilets should be more accessible  and fulfil the special requirements of girls & women across ages. According to a guide published by WaterAid, WSUP and Unicef, “Female-friendly toilets need to be safe, private, accessible, affordable and well managed, cater for menstrual hygiene management and meet the needs of caregivers.” Merino designs & installs special restroom that are fully equipped with to address these critical needs and go beyond.

Grab Bar

Pregnant women often find it difficult to get up after relieving themselves in a restroom. Merino’s WCR are equipped with grab bars to enable pregnant women stand up comfortably

Mother’s Room

Mothers need privacy to feed infants which is usually not available at public spaces. Merino’s WCR have a dedicated mother’s room where they can feed their babies, change nappies etc.

Safety Alarm

Merino’s WCR are equipped with Safety Alarm which can be pressed in case of any emergency or danger

Changing Room

Apart from Restrooms, Merino also provides Changing Room for areas where women might need to change their attire like offices, airports, gyms etc.

Other Features

Some extra features like – Make-Up Mirror, Sanitary Napkin Dispenser, Shelf, Hand-Sanitizer Holder etc. address the specific needs of women